Open Microfluidic Tools for Cell Signaling Studies and At-home blood Transcriptomics

MTL Seminar Series

Location: Zoom (
Speaker: Ashleigh Theberge, UW

Abstract: Communication across cell types is critical for biological systems—from human tissues to microbial communities. This talk will highlight new open microfluidic devices for cell signaling and the use of open microfluidic principles to develop novel strategies for hydrogel 3D patterning. Finally, this talk will present a new platform for at-home blood sampling and transcriptomics and its use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bio: Ashleigh Theberge is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Urology at the University of Washington. Selected awards include a Beckman Young Investigator Award, a Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering, and a Sloan Research Fellowship.